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Crazy Wisdom ~ Crazy Vision Mystery with Vedika Dietrich

"Only the hand that erases can write the true thing." Meister Eckhart

This retreat is a short circuit of the serious mind, which thinks it knows, but doesn't. When the mind is in the quiet, neutral and surrendered state of "not knowing", a direct intelligence and natural wisdom can emerge. Wisdom that can't be measured or quantified. That is basically invisible, behaves paradoxically, and slinks around mischievously, in quantum illusiveness, like all the great mysteries do. 

Just when your mind thinks it's got one, it disappears.  In other's crazy!  Just like reality. Just like us.  Have we figured ourselves out yet? Or life?  Or anything?

This retreat celebrates our absolute failure to reduce the mysteries of life to an object or concept, to something we can eat, own or control. Ahhh...relief.....ahhh...freedom! 

Painting, poetry, mystery play, meditation and general foolishness.

Tuition: $395.00 includes materials and lunch both days

To register contact Vedika: 425 562 4740

This retreat is closed (possible exceptions by invitation of the instructor.)

To sign up for lodging and meals (after you have registered for the workshop), go to:

Mosswood Hollow Retreat Registration

Later Event: September 21
Cell-Level Healing