Shamanic Dreaming to Explore Past and Future Lives and Create Better Futures
In dreams, we are time travelers. Released from Newtonian physics and our consensual hallucinations, the dream self travels into past time, future time, and alternate realities. As active dreamers using the skills of shamanic journeying, we can travel consciously across time to scout the future for ourselves and others, and grow a better future.
In this high-energy adventure, we’ll help each other to grow our life dreams and to become full citizens of the multidimensional universe. We’ll claim the power that comes from acting in the knowledge that the only time is Now, and that all pasts and futures are accessible in this moment and may be revised for the better.
You’ll gain direct knowledge of how past-life experiences affect your current life experience and relationships; beyond this, you’ll learn how to communicate mentally with personalities in other times for mutual benefit. You’ll discover how to receive counsel from an older and wiser self, and how you can play mentor and protector for a younger self who may desperately need help in his or her own time.
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
TUITION: $295 if paid in full by 8/15/2015; $345 thereafter. Includes gourmet lunches both days
Contact Jeni Hogenson; tel 425-844-0207
To sign up for lodging and meals (after you have registered for the workshop), go to: