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Betwixt and Between with Sarah MacLean Bicknell

If you have already registered for this workshop, please sign up for meals and lodging HERE

How can ceremony be a way of life?

What is the betwixt and between?

What are spirits and how do you work with them? Both local, ancestral and guiding.

How do I create safe sacred space for myself and others?

Who are we when the dreamtime leads us into the next day?

What is my service to the greater whole?

We will track our dreams of the night before through the day and bring forth a community dream to constellate in the morning.

Explore these questions and more with Sarah Maclean Bicknell during a weekend retreat constellating the conversation of belonging through spatial and dream-speak, to arrive into deeper connection with Life. We will track our dreams of the night through our day and bring forth a community dream to constellate each morning. The day will be spent in constellation, community discussion, movement, and visionary work.  For ceremony is born from vision, and it carries the seed of consciousness change which creates the transformation we are looking for.

I ask that all attendees have worked with elder wisdom, have a familiarity with earth ways and engage with a spiritual practice. Also if you have not participated in basic dreamwork I would ask that you take Dreamer and the Messenger (an online class) prior to this weekend.  (work with other dream teachers OK)

Sarah MacLean Bicknell is a healer, teacher, and mentor. She has studied healing and ceremonial work in North American indigenous traditions for 30 years. She has incorporated her Celtic roots into her present North American practice and is sought out for her intuitive readings, workshops, ceremony, and her soul doctoring practice. She stands in deep gratitude to her elders and teachers that have gone before and stands firmly in her own vision, a vision that is related and crafted for these times of the 21st century. Her work is about connection, community, ceremony and respect. Also raised in the Western world, she has lived the loss of disconnection and is profoundly thankful to her indigenous elders who taught her how to re-arrive more fully into her life.