To register for this workshop and to sign up for accommodations and meals click HERE
Australian Aborigines say that the Big stories are hunting the right people to tell them, like predators stalking in the bush. The trick is to put ourselves in a place where the Big stories can find us. In this splendid adventure in a dream location, we’ll let the Big stories hunt us, and make them the substance of the personal mythologies that bring courage, passion and healing into our lives.
When we are seized by the Big story, we step beyond limiting definitions and beliefs. Great healing becomes available because we can now draw on the immense energy that is generated by the sense of serving a larger purpose and living a mythic life. The muse, or creative genius, and the intelligences of the world-behind-the-world come to support our life projects, because we are following a deeper call.
We’ll play wonderful games of coincidence and imagination. We’ll walk in Baudelaire’s forest of living symbols that are looking at us. We’ll develop personal dictionaries of symbols and discover the magnetic power of symbols to bring together inner and outer events.
We will draw together a marvelous family of creative dreamers who will support your deepening practice and your life odyssey. We’ll generate the kind of group energy that makes the extraordinary easy.
To create is to bring something new into the world. You don’t need to be a writer or artist or musician to join this adventure, though you may find you have unexpected gifts you can now release.
A word to writers:
In a writing life, the great moments are when you are dreaming on paper (or on a keyboard). Words stream almost effortlessly from springs that are not accessible in lesser states of consciousness. Clock time no longer rules. In an expansive now-time, more is possible in minutes than might otherwise come in days. Improbable connections are made and prove to be exactly right.
This is a state of conscious dreaming. You straddle the worlds. You are the shaper, not merely the amanuensis, for the images bubbling up from those fresh springs.
If you've ever been there, you long to be there again. It's what athletes call the Zone. It's that sweet place where time moves as fast or slow as you want, and creative connections are made effortlessly. It's the state of relaxed attention in which the muse or the creative daimon draws close and whispers in your ear. It's the borderland beyond the tame fields and picket fences of the mind, where it's easy for the Big story hunting you to find you.
This adventure in creative imagination will help you find fresh and delightful ways to tap into your creative source, and tell the stories that want to be told through you. We'll learn how to use powerful and original techniques of Active Dreaming to go beyond blocks and move seamlessly into creative flow. We’ll turn dreams and life memories into drawings and stories, poems and scripts and performance.
Our practice will include timed writing exercises, story-swapping, play-acting, shamanic excursions to a Secret Library and other wonderful games to release our inner writer and creator. We’ll all be nourished and nurtured as we grow a supportive circle of creative friends.
Our Dream Location
You will be fed and tended better than you may have thought possible unless you have already experienced Mosswood Hollow, a magical private retreat center nestled in the greenwoods 45 minutes from Seattle. Our days will start with sharing dreams and life stories at the breakfast table. We'll grow our heart-centered family as our gathering streams into afternoon rambles and berry-picking and evening conversation and informal concerts. We'll help each other, as dream teachers, to grow our audiences and our tools for marketing and manifestation. We’ll grow visions of bright possibility for our lives, our communities and our world.
Tuition: $995 if paid in full by June 15, 2023, $1250 thereafter
Registration, accommodations and meal package. Click on link above.
Our genial hosts will also arrange your transportation (if needed) from SEA-TAC airport.