Learning from Indigenous Dreamways
In the Mohawk language, the word for shaman or healer is ratetshents, which means “dreamer”. Robert’s life was changed by his visionary encounters with the ancient Mohawk shaman and Mother of the Wolf Clan he calls Island Woman. In her tradition, dreams reveal the “secret wishes of the soul” and the daily task of the community is to gather round a dreamer, help her to recognize what the soul is saying, and then to take action to honor the soul’s purpose.
For the Iroquois, as for other indigenous traditions, dreaming is also about human survival. Dreams show us what is happening at a distance in time or space. If you see a future event you don’t like, you can take action to avoid that possible future.
Dreaming is a way of connecting with the ancestors and of looking at the consequences of human actions down to the seventh generation beyond ourselves, as the Iroquois insist that wise leaders must always do.
In this high-octane workshop, we will dance on the mythic edge. We will journey into the great mythic creation story of the Woman Who Fell from the Sky and learn from her how to dance a new world into being. We’ll learn how to
--recognize the secret wishes of the soul, as revealed in dreams
--take action to honor the wishes of the soul for healing and integration
--recognize and clarify future events revealed in dreams
--take action to avoid unwanted possible events, and manifest desirable ones
--journey through mythic gates to discover how to re-vision and re-create your world.
We’ll grow the circle energy that makes the extraordinary easy, and honor our visions with spontaneous ritual, theater, art and storytelling.
Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads seminars all over the world, from the Carpathian Mountains to southern Brazil, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, poet, journalist and independent scholar. His many books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreaming the Soul Back Home, and The Boy Who Died and Came Back. His latest book is Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbol and Synchronicity in Everyday Life.. He also leads popular online courses in Active Dreaming for The Shift Network. His website is www.mossdreams.com
Jeni Hogenson; tel 425-844-0207 jenigreni@gmail.com
After you have registered for the workshop, you can register for accommodations and meals here: