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Walking in Balance

with Annie Thoe,
Feldenkrais Practitioner

September 26 & 27, 2015

How do you balance yourself in today’s world? Retreat for a nourishing weekend to attune your body, mind and spirit to a more natural balance.

The process of balance gets more and more complicated as the world and culture speeds up. As a culture, we sit still more than ever– at computers, cars or televisions and often connect to the natural world only through a glance out the window. A lifestyle of high-intensity, repetitive movements can lead to injury and burn-out. Our culture often distracts us from the flow of nature and the body’s rhythms and messages.

Would you like to walk and move through life with more grace? Want to get in balance again? What Guided Movement and Nature Awareness Can Do….

This retreat offers a combination of guided movement and connection with nature to help heal and restore your sense of direction, balance and well-being. We’ll use lessons based on the Feldenkrais Method®, earth-based practices and nature awareness to align your body to balance better on your feet, loosen your hips for easier walking, free up breathing and expand vision. Feel your place in the world around you!

Instructor: Annie Thoe, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Assistant Trainer has been working with sensory learning and healing modalities for nearly 30 years. She is a 2010 graduate of the Anake Outdoor School and Tracking Intensive, as well as former Board President of the Wilderness Awareness School. She integrates her earth-based studies in her retreats. She has a private practice in Seattle and has published an extensive audio series with guided lessons for self-help called Sensing Vitality.

Tuition (includes gourmet lunches both days)

For more information go to

Register Here Online 

Questions? email or call 206-271-4270

To sign up for lodging and meals (after you have registered for the workshop), go here.

Earlier Event: September 21
Cell-Level Healing
Later Event: October 3
Alchemy Mystery School Retreat