Soul-loss, in shamanic understanding, is a primary source of illness, depression and mental confusion. We lose vital soul energy through pain and trauma and heartbreak, through wrenching life choices, and by giving up on our big dreams and ceasing to live the soul’s purpose. When we lose the energy of soul, the magic goes out of life. We are often fatigued for no apparent reason, we can’t experience joy or love, and there is a gaping hole in us that we try to fill with addictive behaviors. Soul-loss can put us in the procession of the walking dead, playing the roles that other people cast us for, no longer knowing who we are or why we are in this world.
The Iroquois say that if we have lost our dreams, we have lost our souls. But when we reopen to our dreams, they can show us where our soul energy has gone, and how to bring it home.
In this adventure in healing and transformation, we’ll help each other to open the dreamgates, become shamanic healers for our own family of selves, and, welcome the energy and magic of soul back into our bodies and our daily lives. We’ll learn how to grow a dream for someone who does not have a dream. We will practice powerful Active Dreaming techniques including Lightning Dreamwork, dream reentry and journeying, shared dreaming, timefolding, dream transfer, dream theater and navigating by synchronicity. We’ll learn how to enter each other’s dreamspace (with permission) to facilitate soul recovery and recall our sacred contracts. We’ll grow the sacred space and compassionate circle energy that make the extraordinary easy. We’ll honor our healing journeys through spontaneous ritual, art, storytelling and performance and play wonderful games to delight our homecoming children and our juicy, creative, star-remembering selves – and develop strategies to keep them happily engaged in our everyday lives.
TUITION: $295 if paid in full by 6/15/2015; $345 thereafter. Includes gourmet lunches both days
INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: Contact Jeni Hogenson; tel 425-844-0207